9 Grey St, Dunedin (North East Valley), NZ-9010, New Zealand. Google Maps
phone: ++64 (0)3 4736263
University of Otago, Department of Information Science, P.O. Box 56, 9054 Dunedin / New Zealand
street address: 60 Clyde St, 10th Floor Commerce Building, Room 10.04, Cnr Clyde and Union Streets. Google Maps
phone: ++64 (0)3 479 8322
Personal department web page (maintained occasionally)
List of publications (should be up-to-date)
HCI group web pages (maintained occasionally)
LinkedIn (maintained sporadically)
Google Scholar (maintained automatically)
Skype id: regenbre (only skype-online upon email request)
mobile: 0064 21 0786334 (phone often ignored, answer phone, txt/sms preferred)
Xing (inactive user)
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