Holger Regenbrecht: [ home | publications | myHome ]
Currently I am interested in the following projects (almost all of them in collaboration with Tobias Langlotz):
- Mixed Reality Embodiment Platform (with Koblenz and Oslo)
- Virtual Mechanic (with Methodist Mission Dunedin and Otago Corrections Facility (prison))
- Embodied Presence (with Oslo)
- Power Wheelchair Simulation and Perception (with Psychology, RATA South Dunedin, and McGill)
- Virtual Stress (with Psychological Medicine)
- Presence and Learning
- Pervasive Augmented Reality (with Passau)
- (Pervasive) Telepresence
- Virtual Neurorehabilitation (with Brain Research New Zealand, Physiotherapy, and others)
- Embodied interaction and the brain (with Psychology)
- Mixed Reality Presence (with Oslo, Castellon, Valencia, and others)
- Mobile and eHealth (with Gastroenterology and others)
- VR/AR/MR Head-Mounted Display technologies and interfaces
- AR Sandbox (with Surveying (lead) and others)
- Augmented Reflection Technology (with Sydney, Physiotherapy, Dunedin hospitals, Median-Kliniken Berlin, and others)
last modified: 24-JUL-2016